JIIT Open-Source Developers Circle
According to GitHub’s “State of the Octoverse” report 2019, 99% of
software projects in the world use Open Source Technologies in some way or
the other. Open source has undoubtably changed the world, and we, the JODC
(JIIT Open-Source Developers Circle) aim to help students to become a part
of it.
The JODC is an initiative by the students of JIIT-128 to
promote open source culture. The hub is all about contributing to and
collaborating on projects, networking, learning together and guiding
students. We conduct talks, workshops, activities, one-to-one sessions and
dev-sprints to mentor students.
We encourage them to volunteer for open source projects and organisations
and participate in open source initiatives such as Google Summer of Code
and Outreachy to become better developers and for the betterment of open